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Enjoying Healthier Food On The Go

I travel constantly for work, which hasn't been great for my waistline. After eating in all of the best restaurants in the world for a few years, I realized that I had gained around 30 pounds. Fortunately, I was able to work with a health coach who taught me some valuable skills for my way of life. She taught me how to recognize unhealthy foods and swap them out for better options--even in foreign hotels. The results were incredible. I was able to lose weight while enjoying my travel adventures. My blog is for anyone out there who wants to enjoy healthier food on the go.


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Enjoying Healthier Food On The Go

Six Reasons Why Breakfast Tacos Are Great First Thing In The Morning

by Margie Harris

Reach for a tasty breakfast taco in the morning if you're looking for great breakfast food. The following are six reasons why breakfast tacos are great first thing in the morning.  

Breakfast tacos can include a serving from all the food groups

It's easy to make a complete meal out of a breakfast taco. Breakfast tacos can easily contain ingredients from the meat, dairy, fruit/vegetable, and grains food groups. With an early morning taco, you can get off to a good start at consuming a well-balanced diet for the day. 

Breakfast tacos can offer a spiciness that will wake you up

A Mexican breakfast consisting of a breakfast taco can include some spicy ingredients including jalapeno peppers and spices like cumin and chile powder. Food that's hot and spicy can have an energizing kick that really gets you going in the morning. If you're looking for a breakfast that will wake you up, Mexican tacos can be perfect!

Breakfast tacos are convenient to eat when you're on the run

Many of us start our mornings off in a hurry to get into the office. While you may want a healthy and well-balanced meal for breakfast, you also might not have time for a sit-down meal. Fortunately, a taco is easy to take on the run and eat at the office or on your way to work. 

Breakfast tacos can boost your metabolism in the morning and help you lose weight

Spicy ingredients in tacos that include capsaicin can help with weight control. That's because capsaicin is known to speed up one's metabolism. A metabolism boost first thing in the morning is great for achieving efficient digestion that can help you to stay slim. 

Breakfast tacos in the morning can hold you over until lunch

If you don't have a big enough breakfast in the morning, you could be feeling hungry well before lunchtime. Filling up on a breakfast taco is a good way to stay satisfied until lunch so that hunger doesn't distract you while you're on the job. 

Breakfast tacos are a versatile food that can accommodate anyone's personal tastes

When you have a breakfast taco, you can choose from a wide variety of ingredients. This makes a breakfast taco ideal for someone with picky tastes. Anyone can find a breakfast taco combination of ingredients that is just right for not only their nutritional needs but their food preferences as well. 
