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Enjoying Healthier Food On The Go

I travel constantly for work, which hasn't been great for my waistline. After eating in all of the best restaurants in the world for a few years, I realized that I had gained around 30 pounds. Fortunately, I was able to work with a health coach who taught me some valuable skills for my way of life. She taught me how to recognize unhealthy foods and swap them out for better options--even in foreign hotels. The results were incredible. I was able to lose weight while enjoying my travel adventures. My blog is for anyone out there who wants to enjoy healthier food on the go.


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Enjoying Healthier Food On The Go

Reasons To Add Glass Door Commercial Fridges To Your Restaurant

by Margie Harris

If you're a restaurant owner who is always looking for ways to improve his or her business, seeking to hire new staff may often be a priority. However, you should also keep in mind the equipment upgrades that you can make. Where your kitchen's refrigerators are concerned, it can be highly advantageous to consider improving them. Whether you replace what you currently own right now or replace the fridges in the future as they fail or lose their efficiency, you should consider commercial fridges equipped with glass doors. There are several reasons that adding these appliances to your restaurant's kitchen is beneficial.

You Can Save Money

Glass door refrigerators allow your kitchen staff to look into them to find what they're looking for without having to open the door. When you have refrigerators with solid doors, kitchen staff may occasionally stand with the doors open for several minutes as they look for food items that they need. This allows warm air from the kitchen to flow into the fridge and raise its temperature, which forces the appliance to work extra hard to lower the temperature to an acceptable level. As a result, your utilities bills can be higher than they need to be, but this won't be the case with fridges with glass doors.

They Save Space

The thought of saving space in your restaurant's kitchen might not initially make sense if the glass door refrigerators you're thinking about buying are the same size as what you currently own. However, because kitchen staff can look into the fridges without having to open the doors, the kitchen will be less crowded. Conditions can really get cramped when someone is standing with the door swung open; in a small kitchen, other staff members may not be able to even walk past. This can lead to a cramped environment that is unpleasant to work in, but a glass door fridge won't cramp the space in this manner.

They Encourage Better Organization

It's easy for busy kitchen staff to allow the interior of their commercial fridges to get cluttered and messy. And, when the doors are solid, the mess won't be as visible, which can create a mentality of "out of sight, out of mind." With glass door appliances, the mess will be visible — and should hopefully compel kitchen staff, or even you when you're in the kitchen, to make it a priority to tidy the fridges and keep them organized. In turn, this can not only lead to a better working environment, but may prevent food from getting wasted because it spoils as a result of not being visible in the clutter.

Talk to a company like Hy-Point Restaurant Equipment & Supplies Inc. for more information.
